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Financial Institution

Programme overview

Programme overview

It is of upmost importance for financial institutions ("FIs") to diversify their capital stack and investor base. Unkapt mission is to augment financial institutions on-lending capabilities by diversifying their sources of wholesale funding through private placement offer whereby allowing financial institutions in developing countries to reach a broader range of (underserved) SMEs and priority sectors.

Why Unkapt

Why Unkapt

  • Simplicity: Unkapt offers a simpler, intuitive and streamlined process for FIs raising capital.
  • Lowering engagement barrier: Unkapt identifies and liaises with investors of upmost relevance to FIs.
  • Expertise: Our personnel are highly qualified with the necessary expertise to assist FIs.
  • Credibility: The involvement of Unkapt will enhance the credibility of the FI offer.
Target profile

Target profile

  • Type: Banks (incl. rural/thrift bank), microfinance institutions, finance companies, credit unions, cooperatives and SME credit guarantee funds
  • Issuance: Debt capital (incl. senior/junior debt, ABS and bonds)
  • Use of funds: Lending to SME and priority sectors (incl. women-led businesses, affordable housing, agricultural, green financing)
  • Impact: Strong SDG/ESG agenda is a must.


  • Issuance size: Preferably USD 10M+ for commercial banks/USD 5M+ for other issuers
  • Tenor: 5 - 7 yr tenor on average
  • Yield: Varies on a case by case basis; may range from estimated 3.5% to 10% per annum
  • Non-performing loan ratio: Should be below or on par with the broader local market level
  • Net interest margin: Should reflect the SDG/ESG agenda of the issuer
Key process

Key process

  • Register online at
  • Once approved, FI completes and lodges the full application, including providing financial- related info, key personnel details, incorporation document/business license and offer materials.
  • Offer is listed on Unkapt and outreach campaign is undertaken.
  • On successful completion, binding agreements are entered into and funds are disbursed to FI.

What are you waiting for?

Provide us with your basic information and we will guide you to the whole process of application